torsdag 26. juni 2014

WorldWide Flora and Fauna Norway (LAFF) is dedicated to promotion and radio activations of national parks, nature reserves, protected landscapes, etc. of Norway. It is also meant to be an inspiration to portable operations.

A list of available Norwegian areas can be found here. LB8CG has also made available a kmz-file so that the areas (per March 2 2017) can be viewed with Google Earth or alternatively as a Google fusion table here. In addition, the perimeter of a given area can of course be found at

Those who want to activate an area, can find the general rules here. In brief, you and all of your equipment have to be within the perimeter of the area. If you want the activation to count towards the international activator award, you have to make at least 44 QSOs. For the international award, you can only work from one reference at a given time, i.e. if you are in an area which is a subarea of a larger area, the reference of the subarea shall be used.

Operators are encouraged to the send the log in ADIF format to the LA WWFF national coordinator; laff.coordinator at, no matter how many QSOs which have been made and how long an activation has lasted. We also encourage you to add photographic proof of your activation using pictures of a GPS device, parks signs, and your set-up. Any questions concerning LA WWFF activations can also be sent to the coordinator.

We hope there will be many activations of our areas!

73, 44!!

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